Welcome to WCD Young Carers

Wrexham, Conwy & Denbighshire
Get in touch for a warm welcome
Credu also supports : Powys Young and Adult Carers & Gofalwyr Ceredigion Carers
Do you help to look after someone with a disability or someone who is unwell?
Many children and young people do. We think you are amazing.
Sometimes young people under 14 are called Young Carers and under 25 are called Young Adult Carers.
Looking after someone can help you develop a range of skills in caring, being organised, having empathy, handling difficulties. It can also feel great to help someone else. We know it can also be challenging to support someone whilst juggling so many changes in your life such school / uni / work /friends / a social life, and just how important it is to have someone that you can reach out to, to talk to.
We have a friendly team at WCD Young Carers that is here for you. You can:
Chat to our outreach worker in your area about what is happening for you and any support you might need.
Join a young carer group or activities near you
Join online
Take part in trips and events
Get support to work with your school to overcome challenges with juggling caring and learning
Get support to work out how to go to university / get work when you look after someone
We also organise support groups and activities and can connect you with other young carers who are in similar situations.
Credu is here for you and will work with you to provide you with exactly the support that you need and want

96% of children reviewed per quarter are reporting improved emotional / mental wellbeing and resilience.
Of the 249 survey respondents in the last year, 87% felt that WCD had supported them to do better at school

Young Carers helps me cuz I get to have free time to myself and have a laugh with people its also made me a lot happier and is helping with my depression.

Young Carers Card

Have you got your Young Carers Card yet ?
The Young Carer ID Card is for Young Carers.
A Young Carer is someone who helps to look after a friend or family member who cannot manage on their own because they have a disability, physical or mental illness or are affected by substance or alcohol misuse.
To find out more about applying for the Young Carer ID Card please contact us

WCD Groups
12 Fortnightly Groups
4 Locations
3 Counties
Ages 8-18

WCD Specialist Small Group Work
Forum Group
YACs Group
ASD Group

WCD Trips
Led by Young Carers' interests
Therapeutic destinations
Training and Educational destinations

WCD Events
Family Days