Credu Big Summer Raffle
Tickets can be bought online at Credu Big Summer Raffle - JustGiving
Every £1 you donate is worth one ticket! (Please leave your name when you donate if you want to be entered into the raffle.) The top prize is a refurbished iMac Core 2 Duo 3.06 donated by Brecon Rotary Club. Other prizes include games, home products and hair straighteners donated by Tesco Llandrindod Wells (co-ordinated by Carers Champion Jayne Griffiths MBE) and an All About Diversity book donated by Buttercups Book Shop!
If you have any questions or would like to be involved in any way, please contact Eve: / 07541 644763
Physical tickets will also be available soon to buy and sell from the Credu shops in Brecon and Machynlleth - keep an eye on here for updates!
Credu Big Camp Out
Get involved, donate and set up your own fundraising page at Credu Big Camp Out - JustGiving! You can also create a fundraising page here:
The Credu Big Camp Out is raising money for breaks for carers and the Credu Big Weekend! Support unpaid carers by camping out on Saturday 31st July.
We'd love to see photos of your camps and hear all about your plans! Share your efforts on social media and tag us so we can share far and wide.